Search Results
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - Jesus Will Change Your Life - 1.8.17
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - Priests: The Greatest Agents of Change in the World - 4.17.16
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - The 8th Day of Christmas - Why was Jesus circumcised? - 1.1.2016
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 2016 Election: Voting With A Formed Conscience - Homily - 10.30.16
Fifty Shades Darker - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 2.12.17
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - God Loves You Right Now, Sinner! - 3.13.2016
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - Did You Invite God to Your Christmas? - 1.1.2017
ASP - Fr. Mike Kuecher - Why We Need Eucharistic Adoration - 1.15.17
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - The Sacraments call us to LIVE our faith and be Saints! - 7.10.2016
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - Commentary on the California mass shooting and the media - 12.6.15
ASP - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - Faith.Love.Action - 12.18.2016
Striving for a Great Marriage - Deacon Bob Decker - 2.12.17